As AI/robotics eliminates jobs across the spectrum, governmental revenues will plummet while the debt increases dramatically.  This crisis of limited resources on all levels—underfunded or non-existent pensions, health problems, lack of savings, and job destruction without comparable job creation—will drive many into homelessness and produce a dramatic rise in violence as we fight over shrinking resources.

“[T]he adverse economic impact of robotics is already upon us. Thus, the main focus of the coauthors is on the massive economic dislocation that will result from making people superfluous… Read The Artificial Intelligence Contagion and then tell me about the benefits.” —PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS

“A sobering look at the far-reaching impact that artificial intelligence may have on the economy, the workforce, democracy and all of humanity. The Artificial Intelligence Contagion is a bellwether for anyone seeking to comprehend the global disruption coming our way.”—DAVID COOPER, President and Technologist, Massive Designs


David Barnhizer is a Professor of Law Emeritus at Cleveland State University. He was a Senior Research Fellow at the University of London's Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and Visiting Professor at the Westminster University’s School of Law. He worked in the International Program of the Natural Resources Defense Council, was Executive Director of the Year 2000 Committee, and consulted with the World Resources Institute, IIED, the UNDP, the President’s Council on Environmental Quality, the World Bank, the UN/FAO, World Wildlife Fund/US, and the Mongolian government.

Daniel Barnhizer is the Bradford Stone Faculty Scholar at the Michigan State University School of Law. He graduated summa cum laude from Miami University and earned a Juris Doctor degree, with honors, from Harvard.