A devastating critique of the effects of US foreign policy at home and abroad.

“Cynthia McKinney has gathered together a series of essays examining Trump’s scatology, himself the true representative of what underlies U.S. foreign policy without finesse or filter. How the US Creates “Sh*thole” Countries needs a place in everyone’s library in their anti-empire section.” JIM MILES, Global Research

“In a series of essays written by activists, scholars, and analysts from across the political spectrum, McKinney shows through practice what this should look like. Her new book How the U.S. Creates “Sh*thole” Countries is an invaluable piece of literature that seeks to transform anti-war ideas into an anti-war movement.” BLACK AGENDA REPORT

“The information in these essays is all rigorously documented with extensive footnotes. The writing is clear and the facts are presented in a concise manner that is highly beneficial for the average reader or academic. For anyone who questions U.S. policies, at home or abroad, and who has perhaps become more aware of such issues since Trump’s election, How the US Creates ‘Sh*thole’ Countries is an indispensable read.” ROBERT FANTINA, Consortium News


CYNTHIA McKINNEY was the 2008 Green Party Candidate for President and a former US Congresswoman. She is the author of Ain’t Nothing Like Freedom and editor of The Illegal War on Libya and When China Sneezes:  From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Politico-Economic Crisis. She holds a B.A. from the University of Southern California, an M.A.L.D. from The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and a Ph.D. from Antioch University.