Why do the USA, UK and Europe so hate Russia and Vladimir Putin? How is it that Western antipathy, once thought due to anti-Communism, could be so easily revived over a crisis in distant Ukraine, against a Russia no longer communist? Why does the West accuse Russia of empire-building, when 15 states once part of the defunct Warsaw Pact are now part of NATO, and NATO troops now flank the Russian border? This book unpacks a history of blaming Russia…
“Guy Mettan’s book is a formidable deconstruction of the imperialist mindset and as such it is truly a ‘must read’.” THE SAKER, Global Research
GUY METTAN is a journalist and Swiss politician. Former director and editor-in-chief of the main Geneva newspaper Tribune de Genève, he is presently the executive director of the Geneva Press Club and columnist for various Swiss newspapers. Member of the Geneva Parliament since 2001, he was the speaker of the Parliament in 2010 and author of several books, most lately this successful book on western Russophobia, originally published by Editions des Syrtes. There are now French, Italian, Russian, Serbian, and Swedish editions of this title, in addition to this one in English.