Gold Wars addresses the grotesque, growing and unsustainable imbalances in the financial system. As gold is the barometer of systemic ills, a war on gold–to drive down its price—is taking place to hide the negative impacts of fiat currency, shadow banking and central banking on the global financial system.
Gold Wars features a detailed breakdown of the gross manipulations in the gold market — from nonexistent paper gold, smackdowns, high-frequency trading, and ETFs to Central Bank games like swapping/leasing, shell accounting, midnight raids, clandestine gold movements and regulatory attacks on investors.
“If you want to escape the false reality of the Matrix within which we live, read Kelly Mitchell’s book.” PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS, former Assistant Secretary, US Treasury
KELLY MITCHELL works as a strategic business analyst. With a lengthy career in investing, a deep knowledge of the globalized economy and an unconventional insight into modern markets, he brings a unique, much-needed voice to a largely one-sided debate. He is also the author of A Spiritual Autopsy of Science and Religion and Advise Yourself: Exposing the Financial Adviser Scam. Mitchell provides insight on financial protection in today's corrupted markets at His book Gold Wars: The Battle for the Global Economy was published in Chinese by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press.