“This edited volume provides a very good overview of key debates on contemporary development strategies and alternatives. As a rule, the chapters are devoted to state-based strategies. However, there is also material on relations between states, classes and social movements, and several chapters provide excellent and intriguing critiques of development strategy….." — Capital & Class

This edited volume is intended as both a textbook for introductory classes in global development or area studies and as a conduit for advanced students, policymakers, NGO activists and an educated readership to gain knowledge about the socio-economic conditions existing across much of the world we live in, and the policies that brought them about.


RICHARD WESTRA is Designated Professor at the Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University, Japan and Visiting Professor at the Institute of Political Economy, Carleton University, Canada. He has authored and edited 13 books and is co-editor of Journal of Contemporary Asia. His Ph.D. was completed in 2001 at the Department of Political Studies, Queen’s University, Canada. Other titles: The Evil Axis of Finance and Unleashing Usury.